Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals:GCP 基礎免費課程 CP100A

Module 1 Introducing Google Cloud Platform 

  • Explain the advantages of Google Cloud Platform 
  • Define the components of Google's network infrastructure, including: Points of presence, regions, and zones

Module 2 Google Cloud Platform Services

  • Explain the value of the Google Cloud Platform services for compute, big data, storage, networking and management, and applications

Module 3 Examples of Using Google Cloud Platform

  • Identify ways customers have used Google Cloud Platform to improve their businesses
Module 4 Interacting with Google Cloud Platform
  • Explain the methods of interacting with Google Cloud Platform, including: the Google Developers Console, the service APIs and API Client Libraries, and the Cloud SDK 
Module 5 Getting Started with Projects
  • Identify the components of a Google Cloud Platform project, including: project attributes, permissions, and service accounts
  • Explain how to share projects and how to use multiple projects to manage development, test, and production environments
  • Describe how Google Cloud Platform projects integrate with Google Apps 
Module 6 Google Compute Engine
  • Identify the purpose and value of Google Compute Engine
  • Explain the function of the Compute Engine resources, including: instances, images, persistent disks, networks, snapshots, and load balancers
  • Describe the process of connecting to a Compute Engine instance

Module 7 Google Container Engine
  • Identify the purpose and value of Google Container Engine and Kubernetes
  • Explain the function of the Container Engine resources, including: clusters, pods, replication controllers, and services
  • Describe the process of using the kubectl command-line client to interact with a Kubernetes cluster manager 

Module 8 Google App Engine
  • Identify the purpose and value of Google App Engine 
  • Explain the function of the App Engine resources, including: task queues, Memcache, application servers, application instances, and modules
  • Compare and contrast the features of Compute Engine, App Engine, and Container Engine
  • Identify the purpose and value of Managed VMs

Module 9 Google Cloud Datastore
  • Identify the purpose and value of Google Cloud Datastore
  • Explain the function of the Cloud Datastore resources, including: kinds, entities, keys, properties, and entity groups 

Module 10 Google Cloud Storage
  • Identify the purpose and value of Google Cloud Storage
  • Explain the function of the Cloud Storage components, including: buckets, objects, and access control lists
  • Describe the differences between the Cloud Storage service options: Standard Storage, Nearline, and Durable Reduced Availability Storage
  • Explain how Cloud Storage integrates with other Google Cloud Platform services
Module 11 Google Cloud SQL
  • Identify the purpose and value of Google Cloud SQL
  • Describe how Cloud SQL integrates with Compute Engine and App Engine
  • Compare the Google Cloud Platform storage options: Cloud Storage, Cloud SQL, and Cloud Datastore

Module 12 Google BigQuery
  • Identify the purpose and value of Google BigQuery
  • Explain the function of the BigQuery resources, including: datasets, tables, and access control lists
  • Describe the options for accessing BigQuery: the Cloud SDK, the RESTful API, and the Google Developers Console
Module 13 Support and Resources
  • Identify the Google Cloud Platform partner options: service partners, technology partners, and training partners
  • List options available for staying up-to-date on Google Cloud Platform: the Google Cloud Platform blog, Google Cloud Platform Live, Google I/O, and the Google Cloud Platform newsletter
  • Describe the support options available for Google Cloud Platform: Google Support and Google on Stack Overflow
  • Explain the support options available for products at each point in the lifecycle: alpha, beta, generally availabe, and deprecated



This class is intended for:

This class is intended for solutions developers, systems operations professionals, and solution architects planning to deploy applications and create application environments on Google Cloud Platform. This class is also suitable for executives and business decision makers evaluating the potential of Google Cloud Platform to address their business needs.


None. Familiarity with application development, Linux operating systems, systems operations, and data analytics/machine learning is helpful in understanding the technologies covered.

For this class, please bring:

  • Laptop (Windows, Mac OS or Linux)
  • Credit Card - you won't be billed but this is needed to sign up for the free trial
  • Photo ID - needed for security 
  • 現場提供Wi-Fi上網服務.
  • 本課程使用國語授課 This class will be taught in CHINESE.
Google Taipei Office / 75F Taipei 101


チケット種別 販売期間 価格

2017/05/26 00:00(+0800) ~ 2017/05/31 23:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • 無料

2017/05/26 00:00(+0800) ~ 2017/06/01 00:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • 無料